Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Cavalcade of Falsehood

Notes - The Fog falls on Facebook-When Deception becomes the norm - Manipulation of public opinion is nothing new. But assorted characteristics of the social media platform Facebook make of public opinion a very new mixer. But for context let’s not go back as far as the Lusitania – lets go to the Ukraine.

The downing of a Malaysian jet liner in July 2014 may have pretty immediately been laid at Russia’s door, but it did not catch the Bear without the wherewithal to respond in ingrained fashion. A disinformation campaign was soon launched, with cascading and contradictory alternative stories of lies, half-truths and some truths.

The formula is becoming familiar now in America, but in 2014 it was already very familiar to countries bordering Putin’s dark lair. Reading the report “Fog of Falsehood: Russian Strategy of Deception and the Conflict in Ukraine” bears this out. It is in fact an analysis of the Kremlin kiddos strategic deception, which has had incredible influence in America, and which is at the point of  shaking the foundations of friends and families.

Like others, the Fog of Falsehood editors, Katie Pynnoniemi and Adras Racz, point to Putin’s pre-history, the Soviet Era, to gain historical view on deep trickeration as a tact.  -Jack Vaughan

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