Friday, December 3, 2021

Transforming Product Development with the Cloud - AWS Online Tech Talks

Design thinking...

Presenter spends a few minutes on "working backwards from the customer"

With process of two Pizza teams and micro service
architecture ... "every idea at Amazon that
gets approved large or small is based on
a paper
we call them six pagers or narratives
and because the expectation that all of
these ideas start with a customer need
we call the process working backwards
from the customer this includes AWS
itself a paper that was created by now
CEO of AWS Andy Jesse but also Amazon
Prime and every one of the 125 plus
cloud services that AWS now offers
most of the ideas start out with a press
release that is written as a leap into
the future and imagine how you want a
customer to feel and what you want them
to say when they experience the product
when you write the press release you
imagine that your customer is going to
read it it's a one-page narrative
explaining your vision using customer
centric language it's also important
that it is in plain English without any
internal jargon the next step is
building a frequently asked questions or
FAQ that accompanies the press release
the FAQ has two sections one for the
customer and one for the internal
stakeholders you need to ask the hard
questions even ones you may not have an
answer to yet often the press release is
shared and work first in order to
understand the questions that come up
from reading it often a visual mock-up
or user interaction guide will be part
of this early review and feedback
process but the fidelity should match ..."

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