Monday, November 18, 2019

Using satellite indexes to study global forestation, fires

by Samuel Hislop 1,2,3,*,Simon Jones 1,Mariela Soto-Berelov 1,Andrew Skidmore 2,4OrcID,Andrew Haywood 5OrcID andTrung H. Nguyen 1,3

This paper presents a straight-forward method for comparing the merits of various spectral indices by considering all of the pixels as a single distribution. In this research, we made use of existing reference data to select our candidate pixels, but the method itself does not rely on detailed reference data. The main advantage in using these particular pixels was that they had been systematically sampled, based on plots stratified by bioregion and forest tenure. Thus, they are an accurate reflection of the entire forest estate in the study area. However, by considering all of the pixels as equal participants to a single distribution, detailed information in individual pixels may be lost. Nonetheless, the purpose of the exercise was not to derive detailed information about forest dynamics, but to determine which indices may be best suited for this task. Of the indices that were tested, we consider NBR as the most reliable index for tracking fire disturbance and recovery in sclerophyll forests, due to its consistently high performance across the range of tests performed.

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