Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Dremel drill doodling

Think of SQL tools that let the large numbers of ''SQL-able'' people ask questions of data. If the developers can build the tools, they can enable other people to do the work, and get on with the job of building more tools. And we are back on the usual track of technology history.

Big Web search company Google created Dremel as a complement to, not a replacement for, MapReduce, to enable at-scale interactive analysis of crawled web documents, tracking of install data for applications on the Android Market site, crash reporting for Google products, spam analysis and much more. It brought some SQLability to MapReduce.

For a Wisconsin Badger like me it does not go without saying that the Google project takes its name from the Dremel Moto-Tool from the Dremel Co. of Racine, Wisconsin. That company, beginning in the 1930s, was among the region's pioneers in small electric motors – not data engines, but engines of progress nonetheless. - Jack Vaughan

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