Monday, July 4, 2016

Simplexity kilt the cat

Simplexity by Jeffrey Kluger (subtitled Why Simple Things Become Complex and how complex things can be made simple). The book by the then (2008) Time reporter describes a ''newly emerging Science"(Maybe si, maybe no) meant to provide a cross disciplinary view on systems ranging from ant colonies to stock market. The "SFI" San Jose Instituite is the sort of anchor source (let by Prof Gell-Mann). Along the way (p31) he speaks w Brandeis economist Blake Lebaron who has been studying simulations of stock market trading. He has seen repeating patterns: 1-Traders wobble about; 2-one finds a useful stratagem; 3-the others mimic it; 4-diminishing returns set in. THe repeating patterns I think may be relevant to the general flow of the tech bubble that many of us live within. Whether it is ASPs or Deep Learning or Hadoop - a scatter occurs in the discover stage, then, a coalescence around a mean ensues, until a new scatter occurs in a new discovery stage. Think Whac-A-Mole.

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