Sunday, August 14, 2016

Moonshot calculations

Catching up with some reading (They promised us jet packs, New York Times Sunday, July 24, 2016). It is discussing Google’s (Alpha’s) shifting strategy regarding Moonshot VC research endeavors. Scattered about in accompanying pictures are erector sets, oscilloscopes, physical things.

Where fail fast once was the mantra it now is fail faster yet.

Head Xman Astro Teller says:  “If you actually want to make the world better – then do what actually makes the world better – and the technology will take care of itself.”

Mr. teller speaks Ted

The key to technology assessment is to segment according to technology employed, vendor
And end use application. Must important may be end use application. But it is not wholly logical. For Google the end use application of the Killer Kilwauskee variety is still advertising. Which is so very based on psychology, or voodoo economics.